Thursday, August 19, 2021

Dug Road to Phelps Park Connector Trail Build "THE BIG PUSH"

 DHPT Crew,

Please see the message below from Decorah Park and Recreation Director Andy Nimrod. (Especially for Saturday, August 21st)
They are asking for DHPT volunteers to help build/uncover an old connector trail that goes from Dug Road up to Phelps Park.

Please come help if you are available and RSVP to Andy so he knows how much lunch to order.

Take Care!

Decorah Parks and Recreation is working to complete the projects identified through the Iowa Great Places designation and grant. Most of the projects have been completed by local contractors. However, volunteer labor was used on the trail at Pulpit Rock and we are hoping to get volunteers to work with us on the trail that will link the trailhead at Dug Road and Phelps Park near the fountain.

DPR has hired Pete Eggland of Legacy Trails to lead staff and volunteers the weekend of August 20-22. Pete has previously worked for the State as a trail builder and has now started his own company. Most of his work has been training and working with volunteers. We won’t turn down help any of the days but the day we really need the most help will be Saturday, August 21.

We will be starting around 8:00am and working through the day. If you can come all day, great. If you can only come part of the day that will be okay also. We are looking forward to getting this section of trail completed and appreciate your consideration to help.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday, please RSVP on lunch and direct any questions to Andy Nimrod:

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